Enhance Your Immune Response with Far Infrared Heat

When the immune system is compromised due to fatigue or toxic build up – our risk of getting sick increases. This can lead to colds, infections, and even the flu. There are a few way we can increase our immunity and help our body build up its defenses. One of the best ways to do this is integrating far infrared heat therapy into your daily routine!

When we are exposed to far infrared heat, our body temper is raised, and we begin to sweat. In an independent research study, participants were asked to sit in a traditional dry sauna and the other half were asked to go into an infrared heat sauna. After the 30 minute session, each person’s sweat secreted was tested for molecular content. The results were surprising. The sweat produced by Infrared heat contained approximately 20% toxins, compared to only 3% of the sweat produced by traditional heat and exercise. Incredible!

It was concluded that the higher percentage of toxin removal by far infrared heat was due to the Infrared waves being readily absorbed more deeply into the cells of the body. This deep penetrating heat stimulates circulation far easier than that of normal heat application and exercise.



Infrared heat act on several different systems within our body simultaneously:

• Infrared helps release enzymes that increase the elimination of damaged tissues. During the process, nitric oxide (NO) is released which helps expand capillaries and increases blood flow, helping to lower blood pressure.

• Infrared heat increases circulation and body core temperature, which causes us to sweat. Sweating allows us to remove toxins, bacteria, and dead skin. Infrared heat also stimulates the production of collagen, new cells tissues, and rapidly increases skin regeneration, improving skin tone, texture and elasticity.

• Because your body temperature is raised, the infrared heat is in effect, creating an “artificial fever”.  Your immune system is stimulated and will work effectively to fight any bacteria and viruses present in your system.

• By increasing blood flow due to the deep penetrating heat, Infrared will help eliminate joint and muscle pain. The increased blood flow helps to heal sore muscles and joints.

• Infrared waves are deeply absorbed by the cells of the body, breaking down cellulite into a water soluble substance that can be eliminated through sweating.

• Enhances white blood cell function, thereby increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products.

1. Creates “false fever”

2. Excites T-57 “Killer Cells” – Lymphocytes

3. Breaks up clustered blood proteins – reduces lymph nodules

4. Wound Care and Injury recovery. Promotes regeneration and fast healing.

The numerous benefits of far infrared make it vital for everyone to absorb on a daily basis. One of the most effective ways to receive this therapy is through the use of a far infrared sauna. There are several options available ranging from large, multiple person saunas – to easy to store Portable Infrared Saunas. (check out http://www.therasage.com/shop-therasage-store/infrared-saunas.html for additional information and product options)

Happy holistic healing!

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