Generate Revenue By Adding Innovative Treatment – Far Infrared Heat

Far infrared saunas are a great addition to your practice - and add value

Far infrared saunas are a great addition to your practice – and add value

Incorporating Far Infrared Heat Therapy into your practice is an effective way to add value, generate referrals, and grow your bottom line.

Natural and Alternative Wellness Practitioners, Chiropractors, and Health Coaches are as much small business owners as they are healers. They want to offer their clients solutions that work, but will also give them the opportunity for additional income through effective product sales. By integrating far infrared heat therapy modalities into a practice is not only an effective means of healing, but also a great opportunity to generate additional income from the sale of infrared products for at-home use.

All of these specialty practices see hundreds of clients with illnesses ranging from fibromyalgia, to back pain, to sleeping disorders, muscle spasms, sports injuries, blood disorders, and even diabetes. Practitioners that are equipped with the right knowledge and solutions for these ailments are paramount to their success in treatment. With the integration of far infrared heat, patients are feeling the benefits through a safe, all natural treatment. Infrared sauna therapy has been so successful in treating these athletes that many of them integrate sauna usage post-workout to aid with recovery and stress reduction. Companies like Therasage Premier Infrared Healing Products have many different products like Personal Portable Saunas and heating pads that can be bought in inventory,  or simply drop shipped to your client (after you get a cut).

Increasing circulation and inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system can have significant healing benefits, which is why infrared (IR) therapy can be integrated effectively into any treatment protocol. By suppressing the sympathetic nervous system, the body suppresses the cytokine TGF-beta-1, which has been proven to be the most consistent stimulant of myofibroblast production.

Additional clinical benefits of IR therapy include lowering blood pressure; stimulating subcutaneous wound healing; increasing circulation due to the release of nitric oxide, thus inducing vasodilatation; and reducing pain.

Far-Infrared or radiant heat (FIR) is part of the natural light spectrum of sunlight and a safe form of energy that heats objects by a process Called direct light conversion. Radiant heat warms the objects around it without affecting the temperature of the surrounding free air.  All warm-blooded animals that far infrared/radiant heat, a beneficial and essential form of energy that has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate and reflect.

If you currently employ lipolaser technology without IR therapy, you’re missing the boat. Not only can saunas be esthetically appealing, uniquely compact, and equipped with the finest in audio/video systems, but some use hypoallergenic wood that is safe to use in the clinical setting even with the most sensitive patients.

An article published on by J. Matthew Burnett, DC gave these recommendations for ailment-specific application:

Performance-care protocol: The sauna should be used three times per week for four to six weeks. This is the recovery and performance enhancing protocol to aid those patients who are attempting to increase their metabolism, strength, post-workout recovery, energy levels, and muscular endurance.

IR therapy has demonstrated the ability to excite the mitochondria of the cell, thus producing an increase in ATP (energy), which aids in increased metabolic function. As the body’s core temperature elevates, the heat elicits the release of growth hormone, which in turn increases muscle hypertrophy, lipolysis, and calcium retention.

Increases have also been seen in integrins, gap junction proteins, and other regenerating genes with exposure to IR therapy, suggesting that it accelerates tissue recovery. Heating pads can be used as often as the consumer chooses, and have no documented contraindications. Typically, heating pads are used for pain relief, and improved circulation. With any IR heat application, water intake should increase, however, to help remove toxins broken up and released.

Blood-pressure protocol: The sauna should be used two to three times per week for four weeks.

When attempting to promote a healthier circulatory system, it is important to understand that the deep heat of IR therapy causes a hypothalamic-induced elevation in both heart rate and cardiac output. It is believed that this additional stress placed on the heart leads to conditioning of the myocardium, which eventually lowers blood pressure. Also, the release of nitric oxide promotes vasodilation of the circulatory system and enhances blood flow to the periphery.

Weight-loss protocol: In this instance, the sauna should be used three times per week for eight weeks.

Studies have shown that a 30-minute sauna session can burn between 400 and 600 calories. Hit it hard and be consistent; isn’t that the key with any weight-loss program? Couple that with good nutrition and exercise and it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Pain-and-inflammation protocol: For this, use the sauna two times per week for six weeks.

IR therapy provides a deep penetrating heat that helps reduce pain and promotes increased circulation to areas of discomfort. IR therapy may also reduce and prevent the formation of scar tissue and myofascial adhesions.

Good To Know

  • IR has the ability to affect the immune system if body temperature rises even 1 to 3 degrees during a session, inducing a controlled fever.
  • Fever is said to promote the production of white blood cells within the bone marrow and killer T cells by way of the thymus. Could this be occurring every time we engage the body in this type of treatment?
  • Research indicates that saunas enable the body to heal faster and function better. And there is still a lot to be discovered about this new and effective tool.
  • Educate patients on the safety and effectiveness of IR therapy and monitor first-time users closely. Your staff must also be educated and aware of dehydration issues with all patients using the sauna.
  • Full-spectrum IR saunas are a modality that can address a wide array of symptoms and conditions by biostimulating tissue in a safe and controlled environment.

We are all looking to increase revenue, and help people suffering with moderate to severe illness. When there is a natural way to accomplish both, professionals and consumers need to know. From a business perspective, saunas can be of tremendous benefit to your practice and your clients, and add significant value to you treatments. For additional information on some of the above mentioned products, visit and contact them directly.



References and Notation

J. Matthew Burnett, DC Integrating Infrared. 2012.

Nurmikko T, Hietaharju A. Effect of exposure to sauna heat on neuropathic and rheumatoid pain. Pain.1992;49(1):43–51.

Scoon GSM, Hopkins WG, Mayhew S, Cotter JD. Effect of post-exercise sauna bathing on the endurance performance of competitive male runners. J Sci Med Sport. 2007; 10(4): 259-262.

Sickle Cell Anemia & the Battle for Pain Relief – What Far Infrared Therapy Users Are Saying

sickle cell among normal, healthy cells

sickle cell among normal, healthy cells

As Sales and Marketing Director for Therasage, I hear from countless individuals who have integrated far infrared therapy into their routine – and have had their lives changed. My latest discussion was with a woman who was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia as a child. The Co- Founder of Sickle Cell Society of BC, Storma Sire has battled pain and nearly her entire life, until she discovered a natural solution.

Sickle cell disease is a disorder that affects a molecule in the red blood cells known as hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Sickle cell sufferers have red blood cells that have been distorted to a crescent shape. The “sickled” cells can block blood vessels causing severe pain — this pain is known as sickle cell crisis. Some forms of physical therapy might help relieve the pain of sickle cell crisis, including heat therapy.

Heat therapy can help with the pain management of sickle cell crisis. There are many forms of heat therapy, including baths, whirlpools, heat packs or pads, sitz bath therapy and continuous wave ultrasound. All these forms of heat therapy have little risk of side effects and can help reduce pain in any area of the body. Not only can heat therapy reduce pain by relaxing the joints and muscles, it also can speed up healing and reduce stress.

“Over a year ago, I did research on heat therapy and was looking for a heating pad to help with my pain,” Storma shares with me.  “I came across far infrared heat therapy pads, specifically Therasage heating pads. When I tried the pad for the first time, I was blown away. It helped with my pain after only a few short minutes.”  Her results are not unlike countless others who have benefited from using various forms of infrared heat to relieve their pain including patients with cancer, bone spurs, thalassemia, back pain, diabetes, and the list goes on.

If you or a loved one are suffering from chronic pain and are looking for natural, effective alternatives – use far infrared heat therapy. There is no other alternative out there that is more effective, relaxing, and therapeutic than this heat. Feeling is believing – try it for yourself.

Additional technology, therapy, and product information can be found at: .

Health, light & blessings!

Information for this article provided by  from: &

Far Infrared Heat Therapy for Seniors – How it can help

Our grandparents and senior aunts and uncles are the most important members of our family. They are the reason we are able to enjoy the lives we do today. The older they get, the more their health and care fall on us to manage and maintain. As we know, seniors are more likely to suffer from diseases such as chronic fatigue, arthritis, falls and injuries, chronic pains in the back and joints, elevated blood pressure, sleep disorders, even cancers, and many other conditions. There are several ways to help treat or create defenses against these conditions. Lifestyle habit and diet changes often play a vital role.  In addition to these basic practices, there are additional natural tool available to help. One of these techniques is heat therapy. The latest, most effective version of these time tested modality is Far Infrared Therapy, or FIR Therapy, which can provide natural pain relief, increase in circulation, and natural detoxification enhancing the immune system.

Far infrared light is the frequency of invisible light that is generated naturally by the sun. FIR Therapy is a type of low energy therapy that takes advantage of the heat generated by waves of energy from the far end of the infrared spectrum. This safe and natural alternative therapy can be used in the treatment of a variety of health problems such as arthritis, muscle pain and spasms and shoulder or joint stiffness.

Arthritic Benefit:

Arthritis is a condition that involves joint inflammation. The condition can cause daily suffering in the form of stiffness. Infrared sauna use has been become an effective method of treatment to combat the complications of arthritis. In the January 2009 issue of the journal “Clinical Rheumatology,” researchers studied the effects of infrared sauna use specifically on rheumatoid arthritis. Results of the study indicated that four weeks of infrared sauna use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis provides short-term benefits such as decreased stiffness and fatigue.

Chronic Pain Benefit:

One area where infrared sauna use is particularly effective is in the area of chronic pain. In the 2005 issue of “Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics,” researchers studied the effects of infrared sauna use in patients with chronic pain. Results of the study indicated that infrared sauna use decreased pain significantly in patients with chronic pain. A follow-up on the study revealed that two years after treatment, patients who participated in infrared sauna use were healthier and more active in their jobs.

FIR therapy also benefits the body by:

  • Helping the body remove toxins through perspiration
  • Reducing tension and stress
  • Improving lymphatic flow
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Increasing the circulation of blood deep in the tissues

Far infrared waves can penetrate up to three inches deep to generate warmth that can provide immense relief to muscles and internal organs. The gentle heat produced in far infrared heat therapy exerts an analgesic effect and can help reduce or eliminate chronic pains that seniors often experience in various parts of the body. Stiffness in the joints from arthritis can be significantly relieved. Studies show that far infrared heat makes connective tissue more flexible, permits greater joint movement and brings about increased levels of endorphins, which ease pain.

Far infrared therapy also causes blood vessels to expand. This expansion leads to improved circulation and allows the immune system cells and chemicals to converge on the injured areas to facilitate the healing process. Despite the heat induced, FIR therapy does not cause any significant rise in core body temperature or in blood pressure, which makes it safer for seniors with cardiovascular problems.

There are several types of far infrared therapy devices on the market today that provide both direct and indirect heat therapy. FIR saunas can be used to deliver whole body or indirect therapy while far infrared heating pads, clothing and furniture may be used for localized applications.

Each of these types of FIR therapy uses different means to produce far infrared heat. Far infrared saunas use carbon/ceramic heaters to generate indirect heat in the form of low energy far infrared waves. Heating pads utilize individual natural jade stones, and far infrared clothing such as undergarments, therapy gloves, joint braces, socks, sheets and pillows use specially designed infrared emitting fabrics to produce the infrared heat. All of these different types of therapy generate radiant heat that penetrates deep into the body to provide natural pain relief and other health benefits.

Some of the best products available today can be found at:

Information for this article cited from the following sources:





The Science Behind Far Infrared Heat Increasing Circulation

Do you ever wonder why exercise is really all that good for you? Sure it helps you feel good and stay strong – but what is the real reason behind your body’s positive reaction to movement? One of direct responses to you going for that walk or stretching in the morning is getting your blood moving! Circulation of nutrient rich blood and the removal of toxins and waste is essential for our overall health. Not only does increased blood flow help your body purge harmful toxins and feed vital systems, but it also helps aid in increasing oxygen supply to damaged tissue, helping heal injuries and sore muscles, promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Far Infrared heat is deep penetrating light energy which is readily absorbed by our body. Once far infrared heat is applied to an area, blood flow is immediately stimulated. This reaction is referred to as vaso-dilation. As the infrared waves are absorbed, H2O molecules begin to vibrate, causing them to start to expel the toxins, fat and impurities from the cells into the bloods.  These will then be released from your body in the form of sweat. The result is an incredible deep detoxifying effect on a cellular level. Your muscles and internal organs will be gently warmed. This form of heat is perfectly safe. Hospitals use Infrared heat to keep premature babies warm. Eight percent (8%) of the sun energy that makes it to the Earth is Infrared, making it a form of heat energy that is easily processed by our bodies.

Here is a break down of why far infrared is essential for optimum health and wellness via an increase in circulation:

1. Oxygenation – Enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the blood cell to the body’s soft tissue areas.

2. Blood Clumping – frees up the semi-permeable blood cell membrane of the toxins that prohibit free oxygen and nutrient exchange. Improves micro circulation by exerting strong rotational and vibrational effects at molecular level. When the normally smooth, firm lining of the arteries becomes thickened and roughened by deposits of fat, fibrin, calcium and cellular debris, it lessens the arteries ability to expand and contract, and slows the blood movement through narrowed channels. These conditions make it easier for blood clots to form, blocking the arteries and stopping blood flow completely. FIR is able to neutralize blood toxicity and smooth the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins.

3. Nutritional absorption – Improved circulation allows more opportunity for nutritional absorption

4. Edema evacuation – movement of interstitial fluids

5. Natural Vitamin D production is supported by Far Infrared frequency. Epidemiological studies confirm that the lower your vitamin D levels – the greater your risk of dying from (most) infectious diseases….Think about it – why do more people get a cold or flu – in the winter time? Could it be due to a lack of sunshine and low vitamin D levels within the body? According to John Cannell, M.D. – “pretty much any infectious disease that’s common in the winter time is a target of Vitamin D”.

6. Lowers cholesterol

7. Removes accumulated toxins by improving lymph circulation which are often at the core of many health problems

8. Increases metabolism between blood and tissue – BURNS CALORIES

Understanding the significance that blood flow has on the way we feel every day is essential. Far Infrared heat therapy in conjunction with eating organic all natural food will help you maintain your optimum well being.

Happy holistic healing, everyone!

A great manufacturer of premium far infrared heat therapy products is Therasage. Check out their website for more information: .

Enhance Your Immune Response with Far Infrared Heat

When the immune system is compromised due to fatigue or toxic build up – our risk of getting sick increases. This can lead to colds, infections, and even the flu. There are a few way we can increase our immunity and help our body build up its defenses. One of the best ways to do this is integrating far infrared heat therapy into your daily routine!

When we are exposed to far infrared heat, our body temper is raised, and we begin to sweat. In an independent research study, participants were asked to sit in a traditional dry sauna and the other half were asked to go into an infrared heat sauna. After the 30 minute session, each person’s sweat secreted was tested for molecular content. The results were surprising. The sweat produced by Infrared heat contained approximately 20% toxins, compared to only 3% of the sweat produced by traditional heat and exercise. Incredible!

It was concluded that the higher percentage of toxin removal by far infrared heat was due to the Infrared waves being readily absorbed more deeply into the cells of the body. This deep penetrating heat stimulates circulation far easier than that of normal heat application and exercise.



Infrared heat act on several different systems within our body simultaneously:

• Infrared helps release enzymes that increase the elimination of damaged tissues. During the process, nitric oxide (NO) is released which helps expand capillaries and increases blood flow, helping to lower blood pressure.

• Infrared heat increases circulation and body core temperature, which causes us to sweat. Sweating allows us to remove toxins, bacteria, and dead skin. Infrared heat also stimulates the production of collagen, new cells tissues, and rapidly increases skin regeneration, improving skin tone, texture and elasticity.

• Because your body temperature is raised, the infrared heat is in effect, creating an “artificial fever”.  Your immune system is stimulated and will work effectively to fight any bacteria and viruses present in your system.

• By increasing blood flow due to the deep penetrating heat, Infrared will help eliminate joint and muscle pain. The increased blood flow helps to heal sore muscles and joints.

• Infrared waves are deeply absorbed by the cells of the body, breaking down cellulite into a water soluble substance that can be eliminated through sweating.

• Enhances white blood cell function, thereby increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products.

1. Creates “false fever”

2. Excites T-57 “Killer Cells” – Lymphocytes

3. Breaks up clustered blood proteins – reduces lymph nodules

4. Wound Care and Injury recovery. Promotes regeneration and fast healing.

The numerous benefits of far infrared make it vital for everyone to absorb on a daily basis. One of the most effective ways to receive this therapy is through the use of a far infrared sauna. There are several options available ranging from large, multiple person saunas – to easy to store Portable Infrared Saunas. (check out for additional information and product options)

Happy holistic healing!

Many Far Infrared Therapy Products To Choose From – Therasage Best Overall

There are a growing number of far infrared therapy products available on the market today -which begs the question: which products are right for me. With all the choices, I went to work testing each pad and wanted to give everyone a complete rundown of my findings. I compared heating pad from the Top 3 on the market – Thermotex™, Therasage™, and BioMat™. I rated them on a 1 to 5 Star Scale.

Here are my findings:

1.)     Therasage Premier Infrared Healing Products – 5 out of 5 Stars *BEST PICK*

From Website:  “Therasage™ LLC has completely revolutionized personal health practices with its proprietary line of at home Infrared Healing Products. Infrared technology is the wave of the future in the health and wellness industry. Our uniquely crafted line of healing products penetrates up to 3 inches deep into your body for optimal relaxation and relief. Pioneers of TheraFusion™ Infrared Technology, Therasage™ Far Infrared Products are considered one of the best, all natural ways to emulsify cellulite, increase metabolism, relieve muscle tension and stress, increase blood flow, improve skin condition, and detoxify the body at its core. Users will immediately feel the therapeutic effects of Therasage™ Energized Air Technology through negative ions released with natural jade stone or tourmaline construction. “

FDA Approved, March 2012.

Products Available by Therasage™: Instant Calmer™ Infrared Healing Pads (various sizes) , Premium Portable Infrared Sauna w Chair and Carrying Case, Portable Healing Belt with Lithium Ion Battery, Sauna Belt, TherAid™ Pain Relieving Cream, TherAid™ Healing Bandage, Infrared Footrest, Office Chair, and Infrared Canisters.

Product Tested:

Instant Calmer Healing Pad – Small

Price Range – $132 – $155 . (Multi Sizes range from $70 – $595)

Features –

Therasage Deep Penetrating Heat Therapy Healing Pads Benefits:

  • FDA Approved for Increasing circulation and pain relief
  • Relieves pain
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Reduces tension and stress
  • Helps remove toxins
  • Improves immune system
  • Improves flexibility
  • Soft, Flexible Construction
  • Convenient 12’ power cord
  • Soft Touch Remote
  • Auto Shut Off
  • Natural Jade Stone Delivery

I tested this pad on my upper back when I was experiencing pain from hunching over my desk for days on end. And after testing – I report – I LOVE THIS PAD!! The durable, quality construction and natural jade stone delivery made this pad impressive right off the bat. Remote was fairly easy to use, LCS screen, easy to see at night.  I also liked the 12 ft power cord – made it convenient to use anywhere. They also offered a car adapter for people who travel or spend a lot of time in their car for work. The heat was powerful – and effective! After about 8 minutes I was able to really feel the effects of the treatment. The negative ions that the pad touts releasing into the air really DID make me feel relaxed – I slept like a baby that night, too. I also thought the size was generous – the small pad they offer is 14” x 20”. Top pick, by far – 5 out of 5 stars.

2.)     Thermotex Heating Pad – 3 out of 5 Stars

From Website: “The Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad Platinum is a convenient, portable therapy system that can be used at home, in the office, or while on vacation to provide temporary pain relief. This versatile and flexible Thermotex Heating Pad comes with adjustable Velcro fasteners to use on virtually any part of the body that is in pain.

The Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad Platinum is able to temporarily relieve pain associated with injuries such as sprains and strains, as well as chronic medical conditions including arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis. Unlike other heating pads, the Thermotex utilizes far infrared light to provide users with a deep penetrating heat.

By using infrared rays, the body is able to absorb the thermal energy and gently increase blood flow to help heal the treated area without burning or dehydrating the skin.”

Product Tested: Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad Platinum, Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad Gold (15″ x 16″), Thermotex Infrared Foot Therapy System, Thermotex Shoulder Infrared Heating Pad, Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad for Elbow, Thermotex Knee Infrared Heating Pad, Thermotex Wrist Infrared Heating Pad, Thermotex Professional Infrared Heating Pad.

Price Range – $219 – $299

Features :

  • FDA Approved for pain relief
  • Non-invasive, safe and effective
  • Great for use on any body part
  • Helps relive acute and chronic pain
  • Flexible with adjustable straps
  • High and Low Settings

I tested this pad on my upper back. It was soft and flexible with a felt covering. It was very flimsy for the price, and I didn’t really feel as strong a heat as I had hoped. Also feel it was over priced for the construction and effect – looked cheap. I was disappointed in this pad as it is a popular one on the market. Remote was easy to use. I give it 3 out of 5 stars due to the softness and strap for placement, but disappointing lack of features on the remote, price for quality, and effect.

3.)     BioMat Mini Heating Pad – 2 out of 5 Stars

From Website: “The BioMat Mini uses the same effective far infrared and negative ion technology as the BioMat Professional, including a concentrated layer of superconducting pure amethyst to send healing rays as deep as seven inches into the body.

When you purchase a BioMat Mini, you are investing in an FDA Registered, and ISO Certified, state-of-the-art medical device specifically created for a variety of uses, such as pet care, travel, spas, office chairs as well as medical and dental chairs.”

Products Available by BioMat: BioMat Professional, BioMat Mini, Amethyst Silk Comforter, Pillow.

Products Tested: BioMat Mini Heating Pad

Price Range: $550 – $1200



  • Amethyst stone
  • Compact and portable
  • Improve health and wellbeing
  • chronic pain
  • circulation problems
  • inflammation
  • migraines
  • allergies
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • fatigue
  • immune deficiencies

I tested this pad on my upper back was surprised at how hard the mat was – but happy with the heat. Also feel it was WAY over priced for the construction and effect – very rigid, not comfortable to lay on, and scratchy fabric that irritated my skin. I was disappointed in this pad as it is another popular one on the market. Remote was easy to use. Size was pretty large – 17” x 33”. I give it 2 out of 5 Stars – way overpriced, and too hard to be comfortable.


After carefully reviewing each of these products – I report that the winner for best overall construction, effect, and price goes to the Therasage™ Instant Calmer Healing Pad. Please – leave feedback on your experience with these infrared heating pads as well as any others I haven’t tried!

Happy Healing – Rachel B.

How Can I Integrate Far Infrared Heat Products Into My Practice

Integrating Infrared Heat Therapy Into Your Practice Can Generate Revenue.

Incorporating infrared heat therapy into your practice has several benefits to both you and your patients. Therasage™ FAR Infrared heat waves are the most beneficial & safest form of our sun’s energy. Thermal energy heats objects by direct light conversion, heating the body from the inside, not the surrounding air. This is the same deep warmth you feel when standing in the sun that is not felt in the shade. The FAR Infrared frequency resonates at the same level as the water molecules in our bodies. Being that our bodies are more than 70% water, the Infrared wave energizes the water molecules releasing heat stimulating our bodies to purge all of its stored toxins. Our uniquely crafted line of healing products penetrates up to 3 inches deep into your body for optimal relaxation and relief. Pioneers of TheraFusion™ Infrared Technology, Therasage™ Far Infrared Products are considered one of the best, all natural ways to emulsify cellulite, increase metabolism, relieve muscle tension and stress, increase blood flow, improve skin condition, and detoxify the body.

Below is a great article by Dr. J William Burnett entitled “Integrating Infrared” that was featured on Read about the benefits of infrared for your patients. This technology can also be delivered through TherasageTM heating pads and products in your office, or sell TherasageTM products to your clients for at-home use!

Some of the highest quality products you can use in your practice are found here at: . For more product info, or to become a retailer, call 1.888.416.4441 or email

How Effective Is Far Infrared Heat On Relieving Chronic Pain

Millions of Americans endure the daily aches, pains and discomforts of chronic health conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle strains and hypertension. Prescription and over the counter pain remedies can offer some temporary relief, but carry a high risk of side effects. Traditional healthcare practitioners approach these issues with costly drugs and invasive procedures. Today’s patients are looking to address their health needs with safe, proactive home health products and remedies that not only treat chronic conditions naturally and effectively but also maintain long term overall health. Infrared heat, energy from the Sun, is that alternative.

For centuries, scientists have understood that the Sun’s energy is a dynamic and integral part of all life on earth. Without sufficient exposure to this energy we cannot properly absorb certain nutrients, contributing to suppressed immune function, fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, chronic pain, “SADS” and other ailments.

Today we know, from extensive research done at NASA and other renowned institutions, that energy from the Sun’s ray’s control vital processes for human health and well being. Respected publications, including the Journal of American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine affirm that energy from the Sun serves to stimulate the endocrine system, enzyme activities, various brain functions, metabolic processes, the production of Vitamin D and accelerate human cell production. The safest, most beneficial part of the Sun’s energy, the warmth you feel when you are in the Sun, is the infrared segment of the spectrum.

More than 70 years of research has found convincing evidence that infrared energy is helpful for enhancing blood circulation, reducing pain, strengthening the cardiovascular system, easing joint stiffness reducing inflammation and revitalizing skin cells. Recent studies tested the effects of infrared rays on chronic pain – specifically patients suffering from fibromyalgia. All of the patients experienced a significant reduction in pain after the first session, and continued reduction in pain after ten sessions. Another recent study found that infrared therapy presents promising anti-inflammatory effects.

Many may remember the March 24 2009 Oprah show when Dr. Oz showcased an infrared sauna. Dr. Oz touted the infrared sauna as the best natural detox, and explained that infrared energy helps to lower blood pressure and increase circulation. While Oprah experienced the sauna Dr. Oz said, “It gets your heart to beat faster, and it burns calories.” A positive side effect to the infrared sauna is an increase in metabolism and the ability to burn calories while you relax and sweat out toxins.

All in all, a growing body of clinical evidence supports the use of infrared heat as a safe, non-invasive, pain relieving, health promoting, anti-aging therapy. The list of health, wellness and beauty enhancements through the use of infrared therapy is impressive and includes: relief from arthritis pain, relief from muscle spasms and joint stiffness, increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory benefits, weight control, controlling hypertension, improved cardiovascular and upper-respiratory health, enhanced immune function, increase collagen production, and provides many anti-aging benefits.

– Dr. Barrett Weinberger & Melody Alvin

The most effective, highest quality products I’ve found on the market are Therasage Infrared Products. Check out their site at: WWW.THERASAGE.COM for additional information and options.

Happy holistic healing!